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Spine therapy

Back pain is the second most common reason for a doctor's visit. Besides Wirbelsäulendegernerationen include muscle tension and stress on the causes of back pain.
Learn more about different causes, symptoms, and investigations of back pain - and how you can help yourself.

What is Back Pain?

Back pain is a real public health issue. Approximately three quarters of all adults experience back pain during their life relevant. Given the demographic trend experts expect that the number of those who suffer from back pain, will increase even further.
On the low back pain is common in the lumbar area. The majority of back pain caused by sprains and by strenuous movements. Examples of causes of back injuries are lifting without the right technique and a sudden, the rotating motion. If your back pain is caused by a Muskelverstauchung or stress, which usually heals over time. The healing process may assist medical help for example with drugs or through the use of heat, ice or massage.
In other cases, back pain or herniated discs are linked together the change in vertebral bodies (spondylosis). In these cases, you can help, depending on the severity of pain and its causes, physical therapy or surgical procedures.




Interventionelle Schmerztherapie, Schmerzen, Rückenschmerzen, Diagnose, Therapie, Beschwerden, Computertomographie, Kernspintomographie, Mikrotherapie, Wirbelsäule, Rücken, Knie,  Orthobiologische Therapieverfahren, Nackenschmerzen, Operation, Spinalkanalstenose, Beinschmerzen, Muskelschmerzen, Gelenkschmerzen, Nackenschmerzen, Osteoporose, Tumor, Metastasenbefall, Athrose, Wirbelgeiten
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